
Types of surgery for acid reflux

If someone is highly careful about their lifestyle, they may still suffer acid reflux. It can be so severe that they cannot sleep well at night. It can also flare up during the day, preventing a person from completing ordinary tasks. As a result, they can eat as little as possible to get through the day. That can result in malnutrition and even more health problems.

Sometimes surgery is the only option left to explore to combat acid reflux once and for all. Medical professionals will not recommend it unless they have tried everything else without success. This is because there are risks associated with any surgery. They don’t want to put a patient under the knife unless it’s their only alternative to explore.

The two main types of surgery for acid reflux are fundoplication and radiofrequency. Fundoplication surgery for acid reflux has been around for a long time. This procedure involves taking the upper part of the stomach and then sewing it to the lower part of the esophagus. A tunnel is made so that a portion of the esophagus can pass into the stomach muscle.

As a result of fundoplication surgery, a person will no longer suffer from acid reflux. At the same time, the valve from the esophagus to the stomach will be strengthened. As a result, the body can take care of the acid it produces naturally without moving from the stomach to the esophagus.

Depending on the severity of the acid reflux, the way the incision is made will vary. An incision is usually made in the abdomen, and a tube is placed in it. This process takes a couple of hours to complete. The patient will be able to recover within a week fully.

An incision must be made in the chest area for more severe cases. Due to the risk of infection, most patients must stay in the hospital for one to two weeks after the procedure for observation. This procedure should be done when the esophagus is inflamed due to swelling.

Radiofrequency surgery is newer, but many medical professionals offer it. That’s because this form of acid reflux surgery is less invasive. Patients can be discharged home the same day they have it instead of spending several days in the hospital. This process involves the creation of thermal injuries in the lower part of the esophagus and the upper part of the stomach.

As a result, there is less acid able to pass from the stomach to the esophagus. This type of surgery also helps strengthen a weak esophagus. This is achieved by making the muscles there thicker than before. As a result, there is less pressure against the esophagus for it to open.

Since there is less risk with this form of acid reflux surgery, it is beginning to be used for those who may be benefiting from prescription medications. There may be side effects of those medications that the patient does not want to deal with regularly. They can also become less effective if they have to take medicine for other medical problems. Therefore, acid reflux surgery may be a good idea to allow them relief and ensure they can get the results of medications for their other health problems.

People who have had acid reflux surgery should commit to eating a well-balanced diet afterward. This includes limiting fatty foods, chocolate, and citrus fruits. The results of such surgery will also vary. Some people never get acid reflux again, while others do from time to time. However, for those who continue to suffer, the symptoms are not as severe as before.

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