
Acid reflux can have long-term effects if you don’t treat it.

Millions of people suffer from acid reflux, meaning you must learn to live with it. Besides being painful and difficult to deal with, it can have long-term effects that are not good for you. Failure to treat acid reflux in the worst cases can lead to death. It is because the esophagus narrows down and […]

Acid reflux can have long-term effects if you don’t treat it. Read More »


Bounding pulse vs Collapsing pulse and Corrigan’s sign vs Watson’s water hammer pulse

A bounding pulse means a high volume pulse, which can be felt on the radial or carotid artery. There are a lot of reasons for that. Collapsing pulse means high pulse pressure. Pulse pressure is the gap between systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure. Systolic blood pressure is the blood pressure in the aorta

Bounding pulse vs Collapsing pulse and Corrigan’s sign vs Watson’s water hammer pulse Read More »

Neutrophelia after fits or vomiting

High neutrophil counts after fits (seizures) or vomiting

After fits or vomiting, neutrophil and other white blood cell counts can increase falsely. But if the reason for seizures or vomiting is an infection, it improves the white blood cell counts.  But white blood cell count can increase, followed by fits or vomiting without any infection or inflammation. Normal blood flow in vessels is

High neutrophil counts after fits (seizures) or vomiting Read More »


The Ultimate Guide to Unlocking Your Longevity Potential: Empower Your Lifespan for a Fulfilling Future

What is longevity? Longevity is living a longer life. But it should be healthy. Otherwise, it is not worthy. How to live a long healthy life? When you are getting old, diseases are expected. But you can be young for a long time without getting old. You can maintain a healthy lifestyle and longer life.

The Ultimate Guide to Unlocking Your Longevity Potential: Empower Your Lifespan for a Fulfilling Future Read More »