
Factors that may increase your risk of acid reflux

Contrary to popular belief, acid reflux is not something people have to deal with as they age. More babies and young adults have it than you probably realize. Genetic factors are also thought to play a role in this. Some people feel that you can’t do anything about your genetic makeup and must deal with it.

However, many factors can increase the risk of acid reflux. The more of these areas you participate in, the more likely you are to have concerns. It may be just once in a while that you suffer from acid reflux, or it may end up being several times a day. Take an inventory of your lifestyle, and then make changes to lower your risk.

The most significant factor that can lead to acid reflux is your diet. When you consume spicy foods or contain citrus, fatty meats and even chocolate desserts, you increase your chances of suffering from it. People who have a habit of eating very fast or overeating are at higher risk. Eating hours before bedtime will also cause acid reflux while you sleep.

Many women experience acid reflux bouts during pregnancy. It can be due to several different types of factors. One of them is eating late at night or getting up to eat and then going back to sleep. Although it generally has to do with higher hormone levels than usual. Acid reflux is more common later in pregnancy due to pressure on the stomach as the baby grows.

Obese people can also experience the same type of pressure in the stomach. That is why they are more at risk of acid reflux. Do everything you can to reduce your overall weight by taking action. Eat foods that are healthy for you and also get more exercise. Losing ten pounds or more will significantly affect the amount of pressure against your stomach. It will also reduce the risk of other types of health problems.

Do you smoke or drink regularly? If so, you are increasing your risk of acid reflux. This is because both practices weaken the lining of the esophagus. Research has shown that people who smoke produce more stomach acid than those who don’t. At the same time, it reduces the amount of saliva that is produced to counteract that acid.

Some disease conditions can also increase your risk of acid reflux. Ulcers are sores that form along the lining of the stomach. They can result in more acid being present in the stomach. With a hernia, the valves of the esophagus may be open when they should be closed. This is what allows acid to back up from the stomach.

Your doctor can diagnose these types of problems. With effective treatment, though, acid reflux can be significantly reduced. Letting such medical problems go unnoticed will worsen acid reflux even when you have changed other risk factors in your life.

Identifying the various factors that can increase your risk of acid reflux is essential. You don’t want to suffer from such pain when you don’t have to. You also don’t want to cause damage to your esophagus, as it may be irreparable. Taking care of your body and having good habits will probably solve the problems you have now with acid reflux. If you can prevent it from being an ailment in the future, that’s also great news.

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